Jered: Client since 2016

I would highly recommend Ryan from R&Z. If youโ€™re looking to get healthier or further your training in the gym then look no further. Ryan helped me understand exactly what I needed to do in the gym and helped me correct some bad habits that were causing me pain in my back and shoulders. 

For me, itโ€™s as easy as telling him my goals and he walks me through each step to achieve them. Workouts are tracked through an app that is clear and simple to use. 

I could say a whole lot more but the results are concrete. If you have ever wanted to get into the gym but didnโ€™t know where to start or want to further what youโ€™re already doing, check out his website!

Alexa- Client since 2017

After competing competitively for nearly 10 years, I found I was at a loss for what to do when it came to working out and I was no longer running collegiately. I had always had a coach telling me what the workout would be for that day. I tried for a few months to do it on my own, but found I was constantly turning to YouTube videos. Working with R&Z Performance gave me direction and a purpose in my workout. Ryan tailored the workouts specific to me and what I was looking for. He is supportive and checks in on a regular basis. It is nice to know lโ€™m not alone in my fitness journey. With his program I am able to do it on my own time and at my own pace. It is affordable and I am thankful to him helping him make the transition from student athlete to someone wanting to be physically fit for life.


Megan: Client since 2016


I am a post collegiate sprinter. I was a sprinter for 4 years. Through my college career I was dealing with hamstring issues off and on. Once I graduated from college I decided to take some time off from lifting and running. Once I wanted to get back into running and lifting I got ahold of Ryan. I wanted to look fit. I did not want to be buff, but feel strong. He made a program just right for me. I am a elementary teacher, also doing my Masters in Education right now so I told him to make workouts to fit my lifestyle.. I work out right after work for about a hour. He does a great job creating a work out that fits with my schedule. I am able to get my work out done in an hour, which I still have time to make dinner at night, do my master homework. What Ryan has done for me has gave me hope that I am able to take care of myself even having a busy life. He also has a program online which I am able to track my workouts, to keep me on track. He has specific videos for me for every lift so I know exactly what to do. This is a app on my phone and very easy to work He checks in with me every week to see if I have any questions. I highly recommend R&Z Performance because I feel more fit then I did when I was a college athlete on the track team. This program has helped me get my energy up and feel healthy about myself. I recommend R&Z Performance to anyone that is looking to better themselves by being healthy, wanting to feel strong, being fit, loosing weight, and making a better you. I would not be the person today without R&Z Performance! Please give them a chance. You will not be disappointed. Change your life today and give them a call.